Awards and Recognition

Ensuring the security of your client’s data should be at the top of your priority list. It starts with their login credentials and the date they input while signing up or booking a session. EzeGym incorporates industry standards and compliance to assure that the valuable login information of your clients is secure. All the logins go through the two-step authentication process for that added layer of security.
We follow strict password standards which secure the member accounts from security breach attacks. Also, we use HTTP browsing to ensure the user’s data is secure when they are surfing the software to book a session.
You don’t want your customers to return just because you couldn’t provide them with their preferred payment method, do you? EzeGym integrates several payment gateways including all the popular methods for the convenience of your clients. We help you meet the ends with our technically sound and secure software.
All the transactions through EzeGym are SSL encrypted to ensure their security. Plus, all our security systems and processes undergo autonomous verification from third-party experts. We make sure all our systems are tested and full-proof to make them capable of securing your clients’ payments and sensitive details.
Technological advancement is parallel to better security and convenience and using our refined software will provide you with just that. EzeGym is a cloud-based gym management software which implies that all your data will be stored online and not on the system. This enables regular updates and backups of the data that you can access anytime and anywhere. Also, this cloud-based software enhances security as you will not lose the data even if you lose the device or your system is compromised.
We respect the confidentiality of your customer’s data and would never share their sensitive data without your permission or under law compulsions. Our security measures are tight and have implemented strict policies and processes to ensure that customer information is kept secure. We have also developed grievance routes through which you can contact us whenever you feel there is any security concern.
With our dedicated support and maintenance team, we are available 24/7 to resolve any problem you may have. With EzeGym, gym owners can easily manage and track customer information, appointments, and payments in one secure platform. We take care of your business operations so you can focus on your clients and serve them with the best you got.
Our Industries
EzeGym offers effective solutions when there is a matter of optimizing the customer experience. We take care of your business so that you can take care of your customers and fulfill the unique challenges.